Glossary of Facebook Terms

Comment: People can ‘comment’ on posts. Just write in the box underneath the post and it will turn into a comment.

Friend: You can add other people on Facebook to your friends list. This means you’ll be kept up-to-date with everything they’re doing. You can send a friend request to someone you want to be friends with. When you see someone’s profile, it will show if you have any mutual friends.

Like: ‘Likes’ are a way of displaying things you like on Facebook. You can like an organisation’s Facebook page, a cause, someone’s photo, or a status update they made. If you like a page, it allows you to comment on it and updates your news feed with their posts.

Messages: You can send private messages to people through Facebook. It’s like email: you’re the only person who can see it. You’ll receive a notification when you receive a new message.

News feed: A news feed is displayed on your Facebook home page. It’s a constantly updated compilation of what your friends are doing. It’ll show what they’re posting, commenting on, liking and interacting with. Your actions will also show up in the news feeds of your friends.

Notifications: You’ll be notified if someone makes a post on your wall, likes one of your posts, comments on a post you’ve commented on or liked, tags you in a photo or tags you in a status update.

Page: Facebook Pages are made by organisations, companies, non-profits, political causes, sports clubs, and virtually anything. If you ‘like’ the page, you’ll get their updates in your news feed and you can post on their page.

Post:  A post is something that’s been shared on a Facebook profile. Anything that you or another person puts on a Facebook wall is a post. You can comment or like these.

Share: This is the way Facebook refers to posting. ‘Sharing’ something means you post it, and you can sometimes choose who in your friends list can see that post.

Status update: Simply a post on your own wall about what you’re up to currently. One of the easier and most common ways of getting active on Facebook.

Tag: You can be tagged in photos and posts. When you are tagged, you are given a notification as to whether you want to be tagged or not. You can remove yourself from photo tags by going to the photo and removing the tag.

Timeline: The newest format for Facebook profiles. It organises all your activity in chronological order and lets you have a high-resolution cover photo.

Wall: The area that people post in on profiles.

Now that your familiar with this platform’s terminology you can apply it when using our Getting Started with Facebook tutorial.