Why use Pinterest?

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a virtual pin board. It allows users to organise and share the images they love on the web. Users add content by ‘pinning it’ to a board using a ‘pin it’ button.

Boards are usually themed. You can create a pinboard to plan an event, decorate your home or organise your stamp collection.

You can browse pinboards created by other users. If you love an image, you can ‘repin’ it to your own collection, or ‘like’ it.

You can connect with the broader community through Pinterest, as it allows you to share ‘pins’ on both Twitter and Facebook.

Why use Pinterest in your workplace?

Pinterest is a great tool to develop and enhance your business and brand’s online presence. Your workplaces can use Pinterest to engage with a community of followers, while also functioning as a device that can drive traffic to your respective websites and build brand loyalty.

Pinterest is the third most popular social network in the U.S., according to a report by Experian Hitwise.

Advantages of using Pinterest

  • Pinning is easy. It requires minimal investment, and is very easy to use. There are no writing skills required – it only takes a couple of clicks to contribute images to a company board.
  • Show, don’t tell. Pinterest can give your audience an insight into the people behind your company. It’s a great way to engage staff at your office and foster collaboration, plus it will make your brand more relatable.
  • Collaboration is key. If you use an open board, other users can contribute. In this way you can encourage companies, clients and users to share images of your product or brand online.
  • Position yourself. You can become the go-to pinboard for your product; position yourself in the market as an expert on the topic.
  • Add another dimension to your social media activity. Pinterest can be used with Facebook and Twitter.

Pinterest Tips

Now that you know what Pinterest is, here are some ways you can get the most out of it:

  • Have a plan. Pinterest needs to be updated regularly to engage with your audience. You need to interact through pinning, repinning and liking pins. If you don’t have the time or resources to actively commit to using Pinterst, you will be at risk of forfeiting potential online relationships with new customers and admirers, as you are not actively enaging them.
  • Be willing to share. You have to be comfortable sharing information from other sources. Pinterest’s all about collaboration and participation.
  • Use keywords. Be descriptive and use hash tags. This will increase your Search Engine Optimisation and drive more visitors to your site.

Ready to take the next step and create a Pinterest account? Here’s our Getting Started with Pinterest tutorial to assist you.